Financial Literacy & Business Skills:

Juniors: 2 Hours/ Week
Teens: 2 Hours/ Week

Basic Economics:

  • Understand simple economic concepts
  • Understand differences between need and wants; goods and services; supply and demand; profit and loss; producer and consumer
  • Understand the relevance of economics in day-to-day living

Basic Business Concepts:

  • Understand basic business terminologies like expense, budgeting, cost, marketing, income, profit, competition, revenue, target market, break-even, debt, savings, etc.
  • Make calculations on costing and pricing


  • Understand the concept of competition
  • Identify substitutes
  • Identify unique selling proposition (USP)


  • Understand the concept of marketing
  • Apply the 4Ps of the marketing mix: Product, Price, Promotion, Place
  • Create marketing collateral’s
  • Understand the importance of having
  • good customer service
  • Identify essential customer service skill


  • Understand the concept of advertising
  • Identify the different types of advertisements
  • Understand the techniques used in advertising

Financial Planning:

  • Engage in meaningful financial practices
  • Set attainable financial goals
  • Create a financial plan
  • Review and revise the financial plan

Business Planning:

  • Understand what a business plan is and its key components
  • Write a description of the company
  • Produce suitable vision and mission statements
  • Identify SMART goals suitable for each student
  • Write a business plan
  • Give own interpretation of various logos and slogans
  • Create a company logo
  • Create a company slogan

Field Trip:

  • Learn the procedures of starting a business
  • Know the different business authorities
  • Understand the business climate in the country

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